
This project uses MarkBind for developer documentation. MarkBind is used to create a static site, and can parse markdown, GitHub Flavoured Markdown, and more.

All the commands in this document are assumed to be run from the /docs folder, unless specified otherwise.


  1. Install Node.js (minimum version 12).
  2. Run npm ci to install the necessary tools to build documentation, including MarkBind.

You can also use a globally installed MarkBind if you have one. Make sure to use version 3.*.*.


Run the following command to view the site locally:

npm run serve

# Alternative if you wish to use a globally installed MarkBind
markbind serve

The live preview will be available at localhost:8080 by default and should update automatically to reflect changes you make to the docs. If you wish to use another port (e.g. 8090), use the -p flag as follows:

npm run serve -- -p 8090
markbind serve -p 8090

Working with a MarkBind page is almost exactly the same as working with a standard Markdown page, with the following additional pointers:

  1. You may want to add <frontmatter> code block at the top of the page. For example, setting title allows for the page to be titled as such instead of following the file name. Refer here for more details.
      title: "YOUR TITLE HERE"
  2. If you are adding a new page and want to include it in the site navigation, you can do so by including the link at the appropriate location in _markbind/layouts/
  3. You can take advantage of MarkBind's additional features such as:
    1. Content reuse: reusing and including portions of documents in other documents
    2. Expandable panels
    3. Support for PUML diagrams
    4. Additional text formatting

You can refer to MarkBind user guide for more information.

Deploying to GitHub pages

Documentation is automatically deployed after each push to master branch, as configured in dev-docs.yml. For more details, refer here.